The fifth advisory committee meeting focused on creating a set of guiding principles for the final report and reviewing its draft outline. During the first half of the meeting, the advisory committee participated in several small group activities to identify key values and ideas that should shape the guiding principles, providing a framework for the final report. In the second half of the meeting, the advisory committee reviewed and provided comments on a draft final report outline. Community Planning Collaborative concluded the meeting with a brief update on Rooted in Marin community engagement efforts, including the recent community workshop, housing and displacement survey, focus groups, and data and educational tools.
Several key topics were discussed during the fourth advisory committee meeting, including updates on the community survey and focus groups, next steps for developing data and educational tools, and goals for an upcoming Rooted in Marin community workshop. The meeting began with the advisory committee workshopping definitions of residential displacement and anti-displacement:
Residential displacement is the involuntary relocation of residents from their homes or neighborhoods due to factors beyond their control. This can occur when households are forced to move because of evictions, rent increases, building demolitions, or other changes that make their current housing unaffordable or uninhabitable.
Anti-displacement is using policy and approaches to increase options for residents to stay in their homes and their communities, fostering family and community stability.
Following this discussion, Community Planning Collaborative and County staff provided updates on outreach efforts and shared preliminary findings from the community survey responses and focus groups completed so far. Tim Thomas, our displacement data advisor, presented an example of interactive data plots for use as educational tools on the Rooted in Marin website and proposed six topic categories for data points to include. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the goals of the upcoming Rooted in Marin community workshop.
The third advisory committee centered on reviewing a proposed community engagement strategy and draft materials, including an online and paper survey and focus group questions. Members of the advisory committee first took a poll about what they think their community’s top concerns about displacement are and discussed the results. Following this, the committee reviewed and provided their input on a draft countywide housing and displacement community survey and focus group questions. Finally, the committee discussed the types of data that influence people to make up their minds about displacement, as well as examples of successful anti-displacement measures from other places that we could learn from.
The second Advisory Committee meeting focused on examining existing data on housing and displacement in Marin and discussing policies and tools for addressing displacement. Community Planning Collaborative presented data on the current state of housing and displacement in Marin. Based on the data, the Committee discussed the essential information that community members should understand and identified additional data points necessary for community discussions on displacement. Following this discussion, Community Planning Collaborative presented an overview of anti-displacement policies and tools. The meeting concluded with the committee discussing what information the public needs to know to understand the pros and cons of anti-displacement policies and tools.
The first Advisory Committee meeting focused on introductory material, orienting members to the work plan, responsibilities, and each other. The County team set the stage by explaining the purpose of discussing anti-displacement and the commitments Marin County and its Cities and Towns made in their Housing Elements to foster a more inclusive Marin. The Committee reviewed and identified areas of interest among potential anti-displacement measures to guide future meeting content. Members were then oriented to their roles and responsibilities, reviewed the Anti-Displacement Education and Outreach work plan, and assessed potential community partners for outreach and focus groups, brainstorming additional organizations. The meeting concluded with small group discussions on successful outreach examples and potential questions about anti-displacement and tenant protections.
The fifth advisory committee meeting focused on creating a set of guiding principles for the final report and reviewing its draft outline. During the first half of the meeting, the advisory committee participated in several small group activities to identify key values and ideas that should shape the guiding principles, providing a framework for the final report. In the second half of the meeting, the advisory committee reviewed and provided comments on a draft final report outline. Community Planning Collaborative concluded the meeting with a brief update on Rooted in Marin community engagement efforts, including the recent community workshop, housing and displacement survey, focus groups, and data and educational tools.
Several key topics were discussed during the fourth advisory committee meeting, including updates on the community survey and focus groups, next steps for developing data and educational tools, and goals for an upcoming Rooted in Marin community workshop. The meeting began with the advisory committee workshopping definitions of residential displacement and anti-displacement:
Residential displacement is the involuntary relocation of residents from their homes or neighborhoods due to factors beyond their control. This can occur when households are forced to move because of evictions, rent increases, building demolitions, or other changes that make their current housing unaffordable or uninhabitable.
Anti-displacement is using policy and approaches to increase options for residents to stay in their homes and their communities, fostering family and community stability.
Following this discussion, Community Planning Collaborative and County staff provided updates on outreach efforts and shared preliminary findings from the community survey responses and focus groups completed so far. Tim Thomas, our displacement data advisor, presented an example of interactive data plots for use as educational tools on the Rooted in Marin website and proposed six topic categories for data points to include. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the goals of the upcoming Rooted in Marin community workshop.
The third advisory committee centered on reviewing a proposed community engagement strategy and draft materials, including an online and paper survey and focus group questions. Members of the advisory committee first took a poll about what they think their community’s top concerns about displacement are and discussed the results. Following this, the committee reviewed and provided their input on a draft countywide housing and displacement community survey and focus group questions. Finally, the committee discussed the types of data that influence people to make up their minds about displacement, as well as examples of successful anti-displacement measures from other places that we could learn from.
The second Advisory Committee meeting focused on examining existing data on housing and displacement in Marin and discussing policies and tools for addressing displacement. Community Planning Collaborative presented data on the current state of housing and displacement in Marin. Based on the data, the Committee discussed the essential information that community members should understand and identified additional data points necessary for community discussions on displacement. Following this discussion, Community Planning Collaborative presented an overview of anti-displacement policies and tools. The meeting concluded with the committee discussing what information the public needs to know to understand the pros and cons of anti-displacement policies and tools.
The first Advisory Committee meeting focused on introductory material, orienting members to the work plan, responsibilities, and each other. The County team set the stage by explaining the purpose of discussing anti-displacement and the commitments Marin County and its Cities and Towns made in their Housing Elements to foster a more inclusive Marin. The Committee reviewed and identified areas of interest among potential anti-displacement measures to guide future meeting content. Members were then oriented to their roles and responsibilities, reviewed the Anti-Displacement Education and Outreach work plan, and assessed potential community partners for outreach and focus groups, brainstorming additional organizations. The meeting concluded with small group discussions on successful outreach examples and potential questions about anti-displacement and tenant protections.
The fifth advisory committee meeting focused on creating a set of guiding principles for the final report and reviewing its draft outline. During the first half of the meeting, the advisory committee participated in several small group activities to identify key values and ideas that should shape the guiding principles, providing a framework for the final report. In the second half of the meeting, the advisory committee reviewed and provided comments on a draft final report outline. Community Planning Collaborative concluded the meeting with a brief update on Rooted in Marin community engagement efforts, including the recent community workshop, housing and displacement survey, focus groups, and data and educational tools.
Several key topics were discussed during the fourth advisory committee meeting, including updates on the community survey and focus groups, next steps for developing data and educational tools, and goals for an upcoming Rooted in Marin community workshop. The meeting began with the advisory committee workshopping definitions of residential displacement and anti-displacement:
Residential displacement is the involuntary relocation of residents from their homes or neighborhoods due to factors beyond their control. This can occur when households are forced to move because of evictions, rent increases, building demolitions, or other changes that make their current housing unaffordable or uninhabitable.
Anti-displacement is using policy and approaches to increase options for residents to stay in their homes and their communities, fostering family and community stability.
Following this discussion, Community Planning Collaborative and County staff provided updates on outreach efforts and shared preliminary findings from the community survey responses and focus groups completed so far. Tim Thomas, our displacement data advisor, presented an example of interactive data plots for use as educational tools on the Rooted in Marin website and proposed six topic categories for data points to include. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the goals of the upcoming Rooted in Marin community workshop.
The third advisory committee centered on reviewing a proposed community engagement strategy and draft materials, including an online and paper survey and focus group questions. Members of the advisory committee first took a poll about what they think their community’s top concerns about displacement are and discussed the results. Following this, the committee reviewed and provided their input on a draft countywide housing and displacement community survey and focus group questions. Finally, the committee discussed the types of data that influence people to make up their minds about displacement, as well as examples of successful anti-displacement measures from other places that we could learn from.
The second Advisory Committee meeting focused on examining existing data on housing and displacement in Marin and discussing policies and tools for addressing displacement. Community Planning Collaborative presented data on the current state of housing and displacement in Marin. Based on the data, the Committee discussed the essential information that community members should understand and identified additional data points necessary for community discussions on displacement. Following this discussion, Community Planning Collaborative presented an overview of anti-displacement policies and tools. The meeting concluded with the committee discussing what information the public needs to know to understand the pros and cons of anti-displacement policies and tools.
The first Advisory Committee meeting focused on introductory material, orienting members to the work plan, responsibilities, and each other. The County team set the stage by explaining the purpose of discussing anti-displacement and the commitments Marin County and its Cities and Towns made in their Housing Elements to foster a more inclusive Marin. The Committee reviewed and identified areas of interest among potential anti-displacement measures to guide future meeting content. Members were then oriented to their roles and responsibilities, reviewed the Anti-Displacement Education and Outreach work plan, and assessed potential community partners for outreach and focus groups, brainstorming additional organizations. The meeting concluded with small group discussions on successful outreach examples and potential questions about anti-displacement and tenant protections.
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